What kind of positive futures can you imagine for the human and more-than-human inhabitants in our places, and how can our creativity help? What are the creative and helpful roles of the future in the face of the Earth crisis?
This website offers a creative workshop format and many more tools created by Climate Museum UK to help:
- YOUNG PEOPLE: participate to dream possible futures for themselves and their places, in this time of disruption.
- EDUCATORS, CULTURAL WORKERS & COMMUNITY LEADERS: run a very similar workshop or develop their own project
We know from our research for A New Direction that young people need creative and motivating ways to tackle ‘future anxiety’, to increase their voice and sense of agency, and to know what meaningful work is possible in future. We also know that young people – and all of us – benefit from places with creative opportunities, and where cultural and natural heritage are valued.

With support of Festival Bridge (Norfolk & Norwich Festival) we ran a trial workshop in February 2023 with local schools, university students, creative practitioners and environmentalists. We will continue to look for opportunities to deliver and improve this workshop, and invite more partners in East Anglia and beyond.

Climate Museum UK is a team of creatives across the UK, with a cluster in Norfolk, supporting and gathering responses to the Earth crisis. We organise ‘activations’ to help people play, create and talk about this crisis, and to open imaginations to possible futures. We also aim to grow professional skills to engage audiences with climate and nature.
Bridget McKenzie, founder of CMUK and Flow Associates, created the Future Views Toolkit in 2015-17 hosted by Festival Bridge. Imagine Futures is intended as a new approach to this work, addressing young people’s concerns about intergenerational and environmental justice more directly.